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Hudgell Solicitors renew main shirt sponsorship deal

Kai Gill, Marketing & Communication Officer

Hull & East Yorkshire Powerchair Football Club are proud to announce Hudgell Solicitors have continued to remain the main shirt sponsor for the next two consecutive seasons from 2018 - 2020.

Hudgell Solicitors are one of the UK’s leading clinical negligence and personal injury firms who specialise in brain injury claims have offices in Hull, Leeds and London.

Since the club started in 2012, Hudgell Solicitors have been an active supporter and sponsor, alongside Neil Hudgell who is the club's patron. Hudgell Solicitors logo will proudly be on the front of the new shirt that will be worn by all of Electric Eels players including the first team and academy team.

Hull & East Yorkshire Marketing & Commercial officer Kai Gill said: “We’re delighted and very humbled for the continuous support that Hudgell Solicitors do for the club. Their support in recent years has made a significant impact on the club. We would like to thank them and Neil for all their work. We look forward to hosting all the staff on our home matches and away fixtures in Leeds.

“This highlights the continued support that Hudgell Solicitors has on the local community.”

Hudgell Solicitors, National Head of Business Development Denise Kitchener comments:

“We are proud of our partnership with Hull & East Yorkshire Powerchair Football Club which is now in its sixth year. We look forward to continuing our support of the Electric Eels during the 2018-2019 season and beyond.

"It is a privilege for us to help support a game which is a unique sport - powerchair football provides wonderful opportunities for active team participation for those using electric wheelchairs to benefit from both the physical and physiological benefits of playing team sport”.

If you would like to discover more information about Hudgell Solicitors visit their website:

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